ACT Science Content
(35 Minutes – 40 Questions)
Our program teaches students how to properly interpret data, analyze, evaluate, reason, and problem-solving skills required in the natural sciences. The science test stresses science skills and practices over recall of scientific content, complex mathematics skills, and reading ability.
Interpretation of Data (45–55%) | 18 - 22 Questions
Manipulate and analyze scientific data presented in tables, graphs, and diagrams (e.g., recognize trends in data, translate tabular data into graphs, interpolate and extrapolate, and reason mathematically).
Scientific Investigation (20–30%) | 8 - 12 Questions
Understand experimental tools, procedures, and design (e.g., identify variables and controls) and compare, extend, and modify experiments (e.g., predict the results of additional trials).
Evaluation of Models, Inferences, and Experimental Results (25–35%) | 10 - 14 Questions
Judge the validity of scientific information and formulate conclusions and predictions based on that information (e.g., determine which explanation for a scientific phenomenon is supported by new findings).
Passage Formats on the Science Test
The scientific information is conveyed in one of three different formats.
Data Representation (30–40%): This format presents graphic and tabular material similar to that found in science journals and texts. The questions associated with this format measure skills such as graph reading, interpretation of scatterplots, and interpretation of information presented in tables.
Research Summaries (45–55%): This format provides descriptions of one or more related experiments. The questions focus upon the design of experiments and the interpretation of experimental results.
Conflicting Viewpoints (15–20%): This format presents expressions of several hypotheses or views that, being based on differing premises or on incomplete data, are inconsistent with one another. The questions focus upon the understanding, analysis, and comparison of alternative viewpoints or hypotheses.